Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kissy Face

How funny is this face! lol He has known how to give kisses for awhile now, but it used to be whole mouth open kisses! Not anymore, he has learned how to give the kissy face! I was so excited when he did it for a picture I was cracking up!

As you can see from the pictures, we went up to see Jared this evening, had so much fun. Parker loves playing with all the toys and he definitely loves all of the attention! It always gets harder to leave, but that's a good thing, right? =)

I took some pictures of Parker today (I know, I've been picture crazy lately) but he is in the CUTEST stage and I want to remember every little thing! Plus, he had on an adorable outfit, so how could I resist. We created a makeshift background out of blankets (hey, whatever works) and, as always, used that beautiful natural light!

Not sure what it is about the last picture, but I LOVE it! Maybe because the light is hitting him perfectly, or because it captures him so great... whatever it is about it, it's one of my favorite pictures of him!

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