Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do You Remember...

Do you remember... Prom? Of course you do! Those carefree days of youth, where did they go? My little cousin Britney is now old enough to go to prom, which makes me feel super old. I did, however, love taking pictures of her, she looked sooo beautiful in her dress...

In other news, Parker learned how to eat with a fork yesterday. Like he actually stuck his fork into the mac & cheese and then made it to his mouth without any help, several times! I'm so proud of him. Of course, the only reason I don't have a picture of that is because I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday so I missed it =( I'm not TOO upset because it's not like I missed his first steps, but I've been there for every other milestone of his so I don't like to miss ANYTHING.

Which is why I have so many pictures, I don't like to forget things and pictures bring me back to the exact moment they were taken. I love it, it's magical. Some people can't do that, I can show my mom a picture and she will say "I don't remember THAT, where was it??" I, on the other hand, can see a picture of myself as a child and have flashbacks to that exact moment. The gift of a photographer, maybe? Not sure, but either way I am thankful for it.

Afterall, who wouldn't want to remember this...

Or this...

Or this...

Oh, and this...

Okay, just one more...

All such wonderful memories, captured by a simple click of a camera... 

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